
Biting the Bullet, Bitten to Death, One Bite with a Stranger

Biting the Bullet by Jennifer Rardin I’m Lucille Robinson (aka Jaz Parks). This is a mission unlike anything my vampire boss, Vayl, and I have ever been on. It’s not our usual take them out and run; it’s an undercover mission that needs the whole gang: a psychic, an interpreter, and a weapons specialist. We’re joining a Special Ops team to nail the Wizard, a […]

Living with the Dead by Kelley Armstrong

I know I skipped over the two Rardin books and Grimspace, but I have a really good reason! I was shocked out of my sweat pants when I finished Living with the Dead and realized it had a Crab-fishing Boat ending. Let me explain… Kelley Armstrong was one of the first Urban Fantasy authors I read as an adult. Bitten made me fall in love […]

Dying sucks and originality’s dead

This is Day 2: The Killer Flu Bug. *grumble* I finished the last two Jennifer Rardin books and Ann Aguirre’s Grimspace this week. If my head quits pounding, I should be able to post reviews of them. All three books where highly enjoyable, so I want to do them justice with a clear head. One thing I did want to talk about, though, is […]

Crab-fishing Boats and Cliffhangers

EDIT: Thank you Beef for correcting me! I do this all the time…the correct movie is CHILDREN of Men, not City of Men. : ) My husband and I are slightly bizarre. We come up with catch phrases that no one else understands and that don’t, really, make that much sense. Like Crab-fishing Boat. A few nights ago we were […]