
My heart will never belong to romance

This is the anti-romance rant I was BORN to write. ::snicker:: Okay, so it’s the two divorces, but still. For the longest time, I refused to read romance novels. They’re more fictitious than the most bizarre paranormal. Why? Because there’s always a happily ever after. I’m sorry, but that’s total bullshit, and this is why. You meet a guy. In […]

Confessions of a Kelley Armstrong Fan Girl

Sometimes I think I connect too deeply with characters in the books I read. Their lives become my life. I have a visual scrapbook of each encounter, able to flip through it any time I want to visit their world. It may be insane, but that’s me. Most of the characters I relate to are…different. They’re difficult, living on the […]

Romance Novels – Porn for Women?

We’ve all been there–minding our own business, perusing the romance section at our local bookstore, when from behind the stacks of scantily clad women in leather comes a voice, “Romance.” ::snicker:: “That shit’s just porn for women.” Your first reaction might be violent, the second homicidal, but before you leap over the bookshelves and pummel the offending party within an […]