My Work from Home Journey: Make More Mistakes
“If I had to live my life over again, I’d dare to make more mistakes next time.” Nadine Stair
I’m far from perfect. I yell at my kids, hen-peck my husband, and don’t usually enjoy leaving the house.
But I’m pretty damn good at my job.
I almost said no when I was asked to coach. I’m cynical and don’t trust people easily. Network marketing made my ass twitch. All the wraps and special coffees saturating the market made me hate the thought of joining their ranks (BECAUSE SERIOUSLY!! WHAT KIND OF ANIMAL TRIES TO RUIN COFFEE’S GOOD NAME BY PUTTING USELESS KETONES IN IT?? HEATHENS! THE LOT OF THEM!).
Mostly, though, I was afraid signing up would be a huge mistake. A month into my work from home journey, and I STILL worried it was a mistake. I wasn’t making any money. People weren’t responding to my posts. Fear was taking over.
It took three months for me to get on solid ground, and I’ve never looked back. In fact, I wish I would have been bolder. Took more chances in those first few months. Made more mistakes.
In order to successfully work from home, you must be focused, determined, and self-motivated. No experience is required, but a general idea of how social media works is helpful.
Joining might be a huge mistake, but it also might be the one thing missing from your life.
Benefits include:
- Making your own hours;
- Hand-picking your co-workers;
- A stellar compensation package;
- The ability to work in your pajamas;
and, best of all, the freedom to be present for your family.
To apply, leave a comment or send me an email.