
Ultimate Portion Fix and Ditching Fad Diets

Don’t mind the teenage-girl-like screams streaming across the interwebs. It’s just me fan-girling over the Ultimate Portion Fix that releases in March 2019. It’s a wonderful time to be a nutrition nerd, and it’s an EQUALLY wonderful time to be someone who needs help with their nutrition. Why?? Because this system is going to CHANGE YOUR LIFE! And I’ll tell […]

Healthy and Delicious Girl Scout Cookies Shakes.

Did you know you can make healthy shakes that taste like Girl Scout cookies?? Oh yes. Yes you can. And it is A-MAZING!! My love for Girl Scout cookies is deep and profound. I could eat box after box with pure glee. They’re just so dang YUMMY!! Since no one has brought me any yet, I’ve made do with healthy […]