Healthy and Delicious Girl Scout Cookies Shakes.

Healthy and Delicious Girl Scout Cookies Shakes.

Did you know you can make healthy shakes that taste like Girl Scout cookies?? Oh yes. Yes you can. And it is A-MAZING!!

My love for Girl Scout cookies is deep and profound. I could eat box after box with pure glee. They’re just so dang YUMMY!!

Since no one has brought me any yet, I’ve made do with healthy alternatives. I know. Woe is me.

These recipes are for everyone:

1) People who want to eat Girl Scout cookies year-round;

2) People who want to be able to enjoy a few legit Girl Scout cookies and mix in some cookie-flavored yumminess that’s also really good for you;

3) People who can’t trust themselves to eat a Girl Scout cookie, but who LOVE the taste.

4) People who can’t eat Girl Scout cookies due to allergies or health issues.

Girl Scout cookie flavors featured are the Peanut Butter Patties, S’mores, Caramel deLites (also known as Samoas), Shortbread, Lemonades, and Thin Mint.

Do you have any recipe variations you’ve used? Tell me about them!

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