
Deplete Days: An Overview

For those of us who started 80 Day Obsession on January 15th, we are in the thick of Peak Week and the optional Deplete Days nutrition plan. What does that all mean? Peak Week is a showcase of two of the most difficult* workouts from each of the three phases. It’s meant to allow us to give our peak performance […]

Banana Split Shake

My strawberry Shakeology arrived this week which, obviously, means I have to try to make the most luxurious shake mankind has ever tasted. You don’t have access to chocolate and strawberry shakes and not go crazy.  A Banana Split Shake seemed like the obvious place to start. Four ingredients. Amazeballs taste. Banana Split Shake 1/2 scoop chocolate Shakeology 1/2 scoop strawberry […]

Beachbody Is a Pyramid Scheme!

The worst thing I ever see people say about Beachbody is, Watch out! It’s a pyramid scheme! I thought the same thing to be honest. When my coach approached me, one of the first things I asked her about were the rumors it was a pyramid scheme. Before I explain in great detail why this is bullshit, let’s look at […]

80 Day Obsession Recipes

Are you ready to get obsessed?? The official start of 80 Day Obsession was twenty minutes ago, and I already miss Hot Tamales.  Since the meal plan for this program is so particular, coaches and customers alike have been scrambling to follow it. We tend to over-think things, and when you add in the excitement of starting a new workout program and […]

Why Beachbody?

Why Beachbody? I’ve been asked that question several times since beginning this portion of my journey. Why Beachbody? There are so many programs out there for at-home workouts, so many different supplements and meal plans to choose from. What about this company and its products made me say yes, not only to using them, but to representing them, as well? […]

Black Friday Challenge Pack/Shakeology HD Special!!

Since I’m still launching my health and fitness business, I thought it would be a good idea to have a Beachbody Black Friday sale. Beachbody as a company doesn’t have a sanctioned sale, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a good coach-sponsored deal. Beginning at 8:00 AM EST, the first three people to order a challenge pack and the […]