
Chicken Stir Fry

Chicken Stir Fry is one of my family’s favorite meals. I was struggling with how I could incorporate it into my meal plan for the next 80 Days. We love our veggies, but we also like to slather them in the most unhealthy of sauces imaginable. It’s called balance. We’d recently stocked up at the Asian Market, so I was […]

80 Day Obsession Recipes

Are you ready to get obsessed?? The official start of 80 Day Obsession was twenty minutes ago, and I already miss Hot Tamales.  Since the meal plan for this program is so particular, coaches and customers alike have been scrambling to follow it. We tend to over-think things, and when you add in the excitement of starting a new workout program and […]

Greek Salad

Feta cheese really saved my ass from eating nothing but hummus for my mid-day meal. Don’t get me wrong – I love hummus. I could swim in it and be happy. But if I was forced to eat it every day for 80 days, those feelings of love and adoration would turn to bitterness and hate. Rather than enter into […]

Turkey Burger and Sweet Potato Bites

Turkey Burgers are one of my new-favorite lunch options. I love hamburgers, but there’s a richer flavor to turkey burgers. It complements the taste of sweet potatoes perfectly. This is another recipe that is 21 Day Fix and 80 Day Obsession approved. One turkey patty, 2 leaves of lettuce, two slices of tomato, one slice of onion, and 1/2 a cup of […]

Chocolate Oatmeal Cookie Shake

This chocolate oatmeal cookie shake tastes like a no bake cookie with none of the added sugar. I love chocolate. It’s part of the reason I gained so much weight when I was pregnant with my middle child. It was Halloween. Candy was on sale. Coupled with my lack self-control, I packed on as much weight during that glorious holiday […]

Breakfast Burritos

These easy-to-make breakfast burritos are 21 Day Fix and 80 Day Obsession approved. One breakfast burrito is portioned perfectly for plans A , B, and C’s pre-workout meal. The recipe can be modified to fit plans D, E, and F by topping a burrito with half a purple container of store-bought salsa. Use the other half of the container for grapes […]

Chicken, Onion, Bell Peppers, and Tajín®

I put TajĂ­n® on nearly everything. You really can’t go wrong with the garlic, chile, lime flavor. It goes particularly well with chicken and roasted vegetables like onions and bell peppers. This recipe is one of my trash can recipes. I use whichever vegetables and cut of poultry we have on hand. If it’s soon to be on its way […]

Chocolate Shakeology Pudding

This morning I decided to get creative with my daily shake. Avocados were on sale, so I bought way too many and wanted to use them before they went bad. The end result was a chocolate Shakeology pudding that I attempted to drink from a straw but ended up eating with a spoon. It was filling, not too rich, and […]