
All About Bar(Re) And Fixing Our Obsession With Fast Food

Hi, my name is Jackie, and I love Wendy’s fries dipped in a Jr Frosty. The salty/sweet mixture is worth writing home to mom about. And I haven’t had this glorious mixture in over two years. Eating more healthfully isn’t about denying yourself the foods you love. It is, however, all about finding options that are a little less-likely to […]

5 Tips for Working Out with a Baby

Your alarm is set for 4:30 AM. Workout clothes have been laid out. Pre-workout is in the kitchen, ready to be mixed. No more excuses. Morning workouts start TODAY! Then it happens…softly at first…leading into full-blown wails. How do babies know when we’re trying to do something good for ourselves? Do they come equipped with a remote sensor? Mom wants to […]

Are you Ready for 6 Weeks of THE WORK?

6 Weeks of THE WORK is an extremely intense, training program created by one of the world’s top professional trainers and new Beachbody Super Trainer Amoila Cesar. This advanced-level training program is modeled after the training regimens Amoila creates for pro athletes and his celebrity clients. Over six intense weeks, he’ll take you through 36 unforgiving workouts to help you gain […]

Delusions of a Stay-at-Home Mom

When I lost my job last year, we made the decision I’d become a stay-at-home mom rather than look for another job. I’d finally have time to run daily. I could workout whenever I wanted. My house would always be clean. It was going to be awesome! If you’ve ever stayed home with kids, you know how foolish I was. There’s […]