Quick and Easy Snacks for Breastfeeding Moms

Quick and Easy Snacks for Breastfeeding Moms

Finding quick and easy snacks for breastfeeding moms can be a hassle. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t over-indulge in the last month of my pregnancy. I have absolutely zero regrets because eating isn’t something for which a person should feel shame; however, I would like to cut back down on the processed sugary treats.

If you’ve ever breastfed before, you know that the cravings are even worse than the ones during the third trimester, especially when the baby is cluster feeding. You’re constantly hungry because you’re constantly losing energy, and it’s easy to grab fast food and chips because you’re also exhausted.

I wanted to set myself up for success, so I spent some time in the hospital researching healthy snack options for breastfeeding mommas.

Holy guacamole. I’m not sure who these Super-women are who make some of these snacks, but I am not in the same league as they are. I need simple, fast, and something I can shove in my face while the toddlers aren’t looking or that I can share with them and not cry because it took me an hour to prep. (No disrespect intended to the Super-moms. Seriously. You all are amazing.)

Quick and Easy Snacks for Breastfeeding Moms

Protein Shake

I substituted a protein shake for my prenatal while I was pregnant and added a DHA pill because shakes are delicious and I could pretend it was a malt. Hey, we do what we have to do. I’ve kept drinking one while breastfeeding because I still get all of the required vitamins we mommas need plus it gives me a serving of protein and carbs and I can add fun stuff like graham crackers and peppermint extract to make it taste like a Thin Mint cookie. ::drools::

Vegetables and Hummus

Pre-pregnancy, I made my own hummus. It doesn’t take long, and it tastes way better, but I’ve resorted to buying the store-bought stuff recently. Grab a bag of baby carrots, some diced cucumbers, celery, grapes, anything really, and go to town on that stuff. There’s really no wrong way to eat hummus, and you can some much-needed fat out of it!

Chocolate Hummus and Fruit/Pretzels

That’s right, there’s such a thing as chocolate hummus, and it’s good for you!! It’s made out of chickpeas and cacao beans, and if you get the right stuff, there’s no added sugar. I like to dip pretzel rods or strawberries in it, but again, dip what you please!

Mixed Nuts

I get the unsalted variety then try to hide them from the toddlers. It never works, so if you have toddlers roaming around, too, get enough to share!!

Snack Bar

I’m picky when it comes to snack bars. There are a ton of them out there that people love – RX, Lunabar, etc – I just don’t like them because they have way too much sugar in them. I eat Beachbars. Go figure LOL. They’re low in sugar and are a good source of protein and carbs! The boys love them, too, so win win!

Individual Bags of Chips/Popcorn

I buy a ton of the baked chips and popcorn during my weekly trips to the store. I’m currently stuck beneath an adorable little girl for more than 60% of my day. I can send a toddler into the pantry for them and never miss a beat.


CHECK THE SUGAR BEFORE YOU BUY!! Most of the low-fat yogurts have a TON of sugar in them. You don’t need that in your life. Chobani and Siggi’s are the way to go. I just buy the plain yogurt and add fruit or cacao nibs if I have time.

These have been my go-to snacks for the last week. Hopefully they can give you some ideas to keep your snackage healthy-ish without being boring!

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