Dear Daughter: Ignore the Loud Voices from Small People

Dear Daughter: Ignore the Loud Voices from Small People

When I look at my daughter, I worry about what the world is going to tell her she should be. I remember thinking you had to look a certain way or think a certain way to be accepted, and it shaped the way I thought and spoke to myself.

Don’t eat that🥐🍕🍟🌮. You’ll get fat!

Don’t wear that 👙. You’ll look fat!

Wear the Bikini

It was hammered into my brain by TV and magazines that everything I did would make me fat, and that fat was the worst thing a human could be. Now the narrative has changed.

Fat? That’s ok! Buy this wrap and you’ll be skinny in no time!

Hate exercise? Hate vegetables? That’s ok! Drink this skinny coffee and you’ll never have to do a squat or eat a veggie again!

Eat whatever you want as long as you pour these ketones in your drink every day! Laws of science be damned!

So much noise is directed at us, telling us what we want to hear if we’re willing to pay.

Want to lose weight? You gotta put in the work. It’ll be hard. You’ll want to quit.

But just remember this: your weight doesn’t dictate your worth. Drown out the voices screaming that you have to be a certain size to be worthy of love and respect. Those loud voices come from small people, and they aren’t worth your time.

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