Frighteningly fantastic tricks and treats for a healthier Halloween

Frighteningly fantastic tricks and treats for a healthier Halloween

Halloween kicks off the holiday season (in the US at least). For three months, our TVs and social media are full of advertisements for Alllllllll the Sugar.

I am fully team Eat the Candy, but I am also careful as to WHICH candy and how much I eat. The problem arises when there’s candy AND caramel apples AND cookies etc etc etc. That’s why I love healthier Halloween options. They allow you to still participate in the socially acceptable holiday fun without as much added sugar or artificial ingredients (yup, I’m also One of Those…stay tuned for why…).

Before we get into the healthier Halloween options, here are some tips you can use to combat the ever-present candy goodness so you’re able to enjoy the holiday without feeling like you were hit by a chocolate-covered truck.

Healthier Halloween Tricks

  1. Buy candy at the last minute. It may be too late for this, but it’s worth mentioning. If you have a difficult time walking by a bag of candy, don’t. Wait until the day before or even the day of to buy your candy for trick-or-treaters. While there is nothing wrong with eating candy, there’s also nothing wrong with admitting you have a problem controlling yourself around candy.
  2. Fuel before the fun. Eat a meal before handing out candy or before heading out the door to trick-or-treat. Fueling with protein and veggies will ensure you’re giving your body what it needs before giving your taste buds what they want. If you’re going to a party where food will be served, fill your first plate with more healthful foods before grabbing that piece (or two) of cake.
  3. Hydrate! Every day, you should be drinking close to half your weight in ounces of water (unless you have a medical condition that prevents you from doing so). This is even more important on days where you know your body need extra help digesting.
  4. Balance is key. Halloween is (supposed to be) just one day out of the year. Sometimes we eat like it lasts the entire month of October. If that makes you feel bloated, tired, and sick, use these tips. Eat your veggies. Drink your water. Be kind to yourself when you feel like you slipped up.

And of course remember that November 1st is a new day. This year, it’s even a Monday so it’s the start of a new day, a new week, AND a new month! Plan ahead. Have meals prepped in advance. Set you and your family up for success before the next round of holiday goodness.

Now on to the recipes! Click on the pictures below for the full recipe.

Healthier Halloween Treats

Jack-o’-Lantern Stuffed Peppers
Jack-o’-Lantern Stuffed Peppers
Honey Pumpkin Spice Shakeology
Honey Pumpkin Spice Shakeology
Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Fruit Dip
Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Fruit Dip
Boo-nana Latte Shake
Boo-nana Latte Shake
Superfood Witches Brew
Superfood Witches Brew
Jack-o'-Lantern Protein Balls
Jack-o’-Lantern Protein Balls

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