
Pretend You’re Mine by Lucy Score

Pretend You’re Mine by Lucy Score My rating: 4 of 5 stars Harper is a ray of sunshine created in darkness and I loved her. She is willing to go down swinging for those in need and has an open, caring heart you can’t help but love. Her relationship with Luke happens quickly but it isn’t forced. They get to […]

ARC Review: Right Man, Right Time by Meghan Quinn

Right Man, Right Time by Meghan Quinn My rating: 4 of 5 stars “Yup, there he was, not one single rock stuck up his nose, munching on a kid-size chicken tender, staring romantically at the domestic donkeys with his fly down.” Right Man, Right Time shouldn’t have been this wonderful, but it was. It really was. Silas and Ollie had […]

REVIEW: Powerless by Elsie Silver

“The sky is blue. The grass is green. And I’ve loved Jasper Gervais from the first day I laid eyes on him.” Sloane knew Jasper was it for her the moment she saw him when they were kids. Her uncle adopted him after a tragedy left him without a family, but she didn’t let that stop her from obsessing over […]