2B Mindset and the Portion Fix System

2B Mindset and the Portion Fix System

Beachbody released the 2B Mindset nutrition program on May 2nd separate from Beachbody On Demand. The main questions I’ve seen ask how it differs from the portion fix system, which one works best, and why it’s separate from Beachbody On Demand.

How does 2B Mindset differ from the portion fix system?

2B Mindset relies on a tracking system where you log everything you’ve eaten in a day, how much water you’ve consumed, and for how long you slept. You weigh yourself daily so you can analyze your habits from the previous day and improve them. There are no workouts associated with this program. Exercise is considered extra credit, but is not mandatory. While no food groups are eliminated from the day as a whole, carbohydrates are not included in dinner.

The portion fix system bases how much you eat on how much you weigh and how active you are. You’re allowed a specific number of portion containers each day. You can mix and match the containers however you want (though meal combinations are suggested for the plan associated with 80 Day Obsession). Each container is color-coded and represents a food group: green is for vegetables, purple for fruit, red for protein, yellow for carbohydrates, blue for healthy fats, and orange for seeds and dressings. Certain other fats like nut butters and nut milk have a teaspoon equivalent. There is no guess work with this system, and there’s an entire cooking show dedicated to recipes that fit it.

Which one works best?

This depends on you. With both programs, you’re told what to eat in a particular day. 2B Mindset gives you general instructions to eat a percentage of vegetables, protein, and FFCs (Fiber-Filled Carbohydrates) at each meal while the portion fix system tells you how many portions of each to eat throughout the day. I don’t feel like one gives you more of a choice than the other; one is simply portioned in percentages and one is portioned in containers.

The big difference is in how the individual meals are constructed. Most people who follow the portion system eat several small meals a day. 2B Mindset specifies three large meals a day with the possibility of a snack if needed.These are two vastly different ways to eat. I conducted surveys on Facebook and Instagram, and 59% of respondents indicated they preferred to eat several small meals a day while 41% preferred to eat fewer large meals. 

That means 41% of the people surveyed could benefit from a plan like 2B Mindset over the pre-existing portion control system. 

The greatest difference, though, is in the absence of a workout program with 2B Mindset. There are people who physically can’t exercise, either because of illness, issues with mobility, or, let’s be honest, laziness. 2B Mindset lets people focus 100% on nutrition. This is huge for people intimidated by the thought of working out. For people extremely new to nutrition or obese to the point of not being able to workout, 2B Mindset could be the missing link to improving their health and wellness.

Why is 2B Mindset sold separately from Beachbody On Demand?

The portion fix system is connected to several of the workout programs on Beachbody On Demand and can be adapted for beginners and elite athletes alike. That can be intimidating to someone new to fitness and nutrition. A person has to navigate to a specific program then the program materials to even get to the nutrition information.

Hosting 2B Mindset in a separate tab accessible to people without Beachbody On Demand streamlines the process and increases ease of access. It also allows people who currently have a fitness plan outside of Beachbody to use the nutrition program. The real selling point is that, opposed to the yearly subscription fee for Beachbody On Demand, once you buy 2B Mindset, you have access for life.

*There is a modification for pregnant women that includes after-dinner snacks and additional FFCs.

Hopefully this helps clear the air on the difference between the two systems and the need for both.

How do I purchase each program and what comes with them?

The 2B Mindset kit comes with the following:

  • 21 Learn the 2B Mindset Videos
  • Ask Ilana Videos
  • 15 Recipe Videos
  • Getting Started Guide
  • My Tracker
  • My Go-to Guide
  • Recipes
  • 30 oz. Water Bottle
  • Nutrition+ App (available in June!)
  • Free Access to a Coach

The 2B Mindset challenge package also includes a 30-day supply of Shakeology and a shaker cup. It can be purchased here.

For only $40 more, you can also get Beachbody on Demand for 12 months. That’s over 800 workouts, step-by-step program guides, nutrition tools, and expert advice for only $40 more. This package can be purchased here.

The portion fix program is included in all Beachbody On Demand challenge packages and includes:

  • 30-day Supply of Shakeology
  • 12-months Access to All 800+ Beachbody Workouts
  • Portion Fix Nutrition Guide and Recipes
  • Set of 7 Portion-Control Containers
  • Shaker Cup
  • Free Access to a Coach

It can be purchased here.

For more options or information, contact me and we’ll discuss what works best for your goals.

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