The struggle is real: lack of motivation and getting past that hurdle

The struggle is real: lack of motivation and getting past that hurdle

This is the face of a girl who’d rather chew glass than workout. All week has been a massive struggle with a lack of motivation to get my butt up and press play. 

I organized the toy box. I got lost in an odd, dark corner of Instagram. I even just stared out the window because it was better than putting on my workout clothes. 

I’ve been extremely unmotivated this pregnancy. I’ve yet to get out of the exhausted stage, and it’s rough having to modify things I could easily do a few months ago. So instead of “half-assing” them, my brain is telling me to just not do them. 

What kind of a motivator would I be if I just gave up? I know people would understand because I’m pregnant, but deep down, they’d start developing excuses of their own. After all, if I can do it, why can’t they?

I don’t have to be perfect, but I need to walk the walk. If I’m going to encourage people to work through a lack of motivation, I have to show them how. If I’m going to tell people to give their health a chance and try to stick to a meal plan, I can’t post every day about falling off the wagon. Yes, there are times I’ll slip up or rest instead of lift, but if those times outnumber the days I stay on plan, why would anyone trust me to keep THEM on track?

So, even with the extreme desire to NOT workout in full force, I pressed play. And you know what? I feel a hundred times better. 

My promise to you, as a coach to a challenger, is that I will show up every day even if it’s to share how I’m enjoying a rest day. I’ll encourage you to work past those hurdles and to do not give up if you don’t overcome one. We’ll find a program that works for YOU and YOUR life. 

Leave a comment or contact me and we’ll discuss your goals!

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