Break Up with Processed Foods!

Break Up with Processed Foods!

Are you ready to break up with processed foods for good??  

Today you can learn to do that with your Ultimate Portion Fix Kit!  As a Coach, I had early access to the program, so I have been watching all of the videos,  I have been writing out all of the tips I want to share with you, working on some meal plans, and also some mindset tricks that have worked best for me.  I get butterflies just typing this email because I know how many people struggle with nutrition.  It is the NUMBER ONE thing keeping most people from being as successful as they’d like to be!

You get 30 videos that break down portion control, balancing macros, and reducing your consumption of processed foods PLUS a cookbook, cooking show, AND a pdf of 75 kid-friendly recipes to help your ENTIRE family replace crappy habits with GOOD ONES.

If you’ve been on every diet in the book, and you still feel miserable, YOU NEED THIS! If you work your butt off at the gym only to stay stagnant with your progress, YOU NEED THIS! If you wish your family ate a little healthier, YOU NEED THIS!

Here are a few things you want to remember if you are going to purchase aka commitment.

  • It’s important for you to get crystal clear on WHY you are making this purchase.  Is your goal weight loss? Is your goal understanding the reasons why you eat clean?  Is it to improve your nutrition?  Is it a combination of all of these things?
  • What obstacles will you face over the next 6-8 weeks?  Personally I know that there is never a perfect time to start a new program.  I learn to embrace the ups and downs and I actually anticipate them.  I know that we will be going on vacation, having birthdays and holidays through this program and I’m going to decide how I want to handle those right now.  When I give myself time to process the challenges I can be prepared with a strategy ahead of time and feel much more in control of the moments.
  • Ask yourself, “Am I READY to make the CHANGE?” I ask this question because getting results whether it’s in your nutrition or on the scale means that you have to do something different than you were doing before.  It means that what you were doing was NOT Working so we need to make some changes.  You have to be willing to track in your journal, you have to be willing to try new things, and you have to know that you might make mistakes and that is ok too!
  • You  want to UNDERSTAND just how important the ACCOUNTABILITY GROUP PART IS!  Trying to take this journey on your own is ok, but it’s not ideal.  I truly believe to my core that the reason I succeeded was because I had my coach mentoring me in our group, I had the other women who were at the same points as I was to keep me accountable and I had people who were a few steps ahead of me showing me what was possible.  Anyone can go out and try to do this by themselves, but when the rough patches hit, the bad days happen, no one is there to tell you its ok and to keep going.

Here is the scoop!

These are the three main packages. 

In the Shakeology Challenge Pack, you get the program FOR LIFE, a 30-day sample of Shakeology, and me as your coach including access to all of my challenge groups!!

In the Shakeology + BOD Challenge Pack, you get all of the above PLUS a 12-month subscription to Beachbody On Demand including all 800+ workout programs it holds!! BONUS!!! THIS OPTION IS ONLY $200 WITHOUT THE INSULATED BAG! You’re getting an entire year of BOD for only $40!!! That’s 60% off. For the bonus price, send me an email and I’ll send you a cart with the special offer selected!!

The Performance Line + BOD Challenge Pack is exactly the same as the above only with Energize and Recover instead of Shakeology.

Have questions? Ready to take control of your nutrition once and for all? Click one of the links above or email me, and we’ll get you started and into the Nutrition Nerd Bootcamp starting March 25th!

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