Dear Depressed Momma: I See You. There Is Hope.

Dear Depressed Momma: I See You. There Is Hope.

Dear depressed momma who always has a smile on her face while her soul is screaming for help.

I see you.

You hide in the bathroom and cry because life is just too much and it makes you feel like a failure.

You love your kids with all your heart, but they drain your life force and you don’t know why being a mom is so hard when other women make it look so easy.

Every night you go to bed and promise yourself that tomorrow is going to be better, and every morning you wake up with a soul-crushing sense of dread washing over you.

But on the outside, you look happy and content. You smile for pictures. You always volunteer to help someone in need. You spend your life keeping everyone afloat while you slowly drown.

Dear depressed momma: I see you. I’ve been you. I’m here for you.

Please don’t suffer in silence. You’re not alone, and there is hope.

1 thought on “Dear Depressed Momma: I See You. There Is Hope.

    • Author gravatar

      Thank you for the reminder to love ourselves. Sometimes we forget that we look like the ones who have it all together to others who feel like failures.

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