How to Conquer Breakthrough Program 9 Week Control Freak

How to Conquer Breakthrough Program 9 Week Control Freak

Everyone who’s attempted 9 Week Control Freak appears to be in one of three mental phases:

  1. Meh. This isn’t hard. I’m not burning enough calories.
  2. Holy Mother of Molasses. This program is killing me. Someone send a doctor!
  3. This is perfection. I am zen. My body is a machine and we are KILLING THIS.

The mental phase you’re in likely correlates with the actual phase of the PROGRAM you’re in.

Phase 1 allows you to get used to the new equipment and the setup of the program. There are four DCT (density, compound, tabata) days where you race the clock, one strictly tabata day, and one total body day.

Phase 1 is necessary for your safety and form, but if you’re already in shape or have a solid routine, it may not seem challenging at first. Once you get used to using the equipment, though, you can absolutely dial up the heat!

Phase 2 and 3 are where the magic happens. You’ve spent three weeks – the length of time of a normal program – building your strength and coordination. If you don’t start burning like the library of Alexandria, you gotta have a Coming to Jesus Meeting with yourself.

Here are a few tips detailing how to conquer 9 Week Control Freak and how to make sure you’re getting the most out of that first phase so you can absolutely nail the last two phases:

Focus on nutrition BIG TIME during the first three weeks. Find out what works for you and what doesn’t.

  1. Do you need to eat before you workout to have enough energy to push through, or do you need to fast to keep your stomach from sloshing?
  2. Do three large meals work best for your schedule or six smaller meals?
  3. Are there times of the day where you start craving sweets and need to find a healthier option?
  4. Do you often skip a meal because you don’t have time to grab something nutritious, or do you grab fast food out of necessity?

Practice with the equipment to develop a flow so your body automatically responds to it.

  1. Are you not pushing as hard as normal because you can’t seem to get the move right? Practice the moves before you start the actual workout.
  2. Are you pausing more often out of frustration? This gives your heart rate time to drop and will affect the number of calories your burn and can affect how hard you push in the workout.
  3. Have you struggled to remember the moves on the DCT days? Keep the tracker sheets close by and take an extra second or two to make sure you’re doing the correct move next.

Have you tried 9 Week Control Freak yet? If not, try the sample for FREE by clicking the button below!

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