
Staying Fit While Pregnant: The First Trimester

We found out we were expecting a new member of the family in April 2018, a little over a week after I finished my first round of 80 Day Obsession. For three months, I’d pushed my body to do things I’d never thought possible – I could lift heavier, endure more, and was eating better than ever before. I’d finally […]

80 Day Obsession Round 1 Results!

When I had my two younger boys, I thought my days of having a flat stomach were over. I’d become sedentary. I couldn’t walk up a flight of stairs without sounding like Darth Vader. My self-confidence was shot. I fell into the trap of thinking, “Well, I’m already over-weight. Might as well annihilate this cake!” My husband convinced me to […]

LIIFT4 Is Coming Soon!

Busy people of the world rejoice! No, we haven’t discovered a way to make ice cream calorie-free…yet. This news is nonetheless exciting for those of you who’ve struggled with the longer, more involved workout programs, don’t have the time to make it to the gym, or have been looking for a more old-school lifting program.  LIIFT4 is coming soon! Created […]

2B Mindset and the Portion Fix System

Beachbody released the 2B Mindset nutrition program on May 2nd separate from Beachbody On Demand. The main questions I’ve seen ask how it differs from the portion fix system, which one works best, and why it’s separate from Beachbody On Demand. How does 2B Mindset differ from the portion fix system? 2B Mindset relies on a tracking system where you […]

2B Mindset Weight-Loss Program

Now you can win the weight loss battle once and for all. The 2B Mindset program is designed to help you lose weight happily so you can keep it off for good. No depriving yourself, counting calories, or even exercising until you’re ready. Created by Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Ilana Muhlstein, the 2B Mindset is a practical, simple weight loss solution […]

Deplete Days: An Overview

For those of us who started 80 Day Obsession on January 15th, we are in the thick of Peak Week and the optional Deplete Days nutrition plan. What does that all mean? Peak Week is a showcase of two of the most difficult* workouts from each of the three phases. It’s meant to allow us to give our peak performance […]

Clean Eating on the Road

Trying to eat clean on a road trip can drive you batshit crazy if you let it. We recently made the six hour* drive to Saint Louis with all three boys. My husband signed up for a course to receive his running coach certification, and we tagged along to sightsee. Road trips are usually an excuse to binge on beef […]

80 Day Obsession Phase 2 Progress Photos

Tomorrow marks the first day of Phase 3 of 80 Day Obsession. When we started this program on January 15th, I had no idea how much my body and my mind would truly change. I feel more focused, organized, and in-tune with what I need to do to be a healthier me. The picture on the left is from January […]

Refeed Days Are Here!

Next week, those of us who signed up for this 80 day adventure get to indulge in cookies, donuts, and nachos during Refeed Days. So the cookies have coconut flour, the donuts are made with xanthan gum, and the “chips” for the nachos are apples. My point still stands. These delectable delicacies are made with dirty yellows, or simple carbs. […]

Like a Mother F*cking Boss

My confidence started slipping out of my fingers seven years ago. It had left the entire upper part of my body a year later. By the next year, all that was left was a tiny drop in my pinky toe. I was a tattooed, vibrant haired, loud as hell mother who’d shriveled into some scared little thing. It was pathetic. […]