
New Year’s Eve Snack Recipes

New Year’s Eve Snack Recipes is one of the most Googled-phrases at the end of the year. We LOVE our snacks, and will use any excuse to make some yummy apps that may or may not be good for us. Okay… usually they AREN’T, but they CAN BE! Behold: a list of New Year’s Eve snack recipes that are easy […]

Body After Baby #4!

Happy #transformationtuesday to me!! This is my body after baby #4! Is it weird that my nose looks thinner?? ? This is what you get when you stay the course. No crash dieting or death by cardio.? No policing meal times. Just consistently working out, eating more veggies?️?, and drinking more water?. Over the last 10 months, I’ve put in […]

Morning Meltdown 100 Meal Plan Week 1

It’s that time again!! I’m sure you’ve all missed these blog posts, but fear not!! My program-themed meal plans have returned, and we’ll begin with Morning Meltdown 100 Week 1! Can you feel my excitement? Part of it is exhaustion from a long, productive weekend, but we’re going to pretend it’s all excitement. It was difficult to keep up with […]

Morning Meltdown 100: Coming Soon!

Morning Meltdown 100 is coming soon!! Remember back in the day when you were stuck buying a DVD that you had to play over and over and over to get in a workout at home? I LOVE that technology has evolved and Beachbody is constantly creating new programs to keep us from getting bored or plateauing. Even better is the […]