
5 things to know about Healthy Obsession

Healthy Obsession, a new 3-week program, launches next week and the biggest question I’ve seen about it is: is there such a thing as a healthy obsession? Considering how often we throw around the word “obsessed,” I’m going to say yes only because the word has become so watered down. I wanted to tackle this question before diving into the […]

Why prebiotics and probiotics are so important to health

Gut health is all about prebiotics and probiotics. You may have heard the words before, but do you know what prebiotics and probiotics actually are? Prebiotics are mostly fiber from carbs that the body can’t digest. Prebiotics feed the GOOD bacteria in your gut. Examples of foods containing prebiotics are: legumes, beans, peas bananas berries asparagus garlic onions Probiotics are live bacteria […]

Why You’re (Probably) Not Losing Weight

We’ve all been there. You’re eating “clean.” You’ve thrown away all the delicious junk food in the cabinet. The fridge is stocked with nothing but organic fruits and vegetables and lean protein. Only the finest of carbs have survived The Purge. You’re even – GASP – working out… …AND THE NUMBER ON THE SCALE HAS GONE UP NOT DOWN! Is […]

Transform: 20 Packages Are Live!

“This is not your momma’s step aerobics.” No, this is Transform: 20, the newest program created by Shaun T!  If you’ve ever followed one of his programs, you know what to expect: to work hard, sweat your butt off, and get hit with some massive bouts of inspiration. You’ll be hard-pressed to find a better motivator than Shaun T. I’ve […]

Shaun T’s Transform: 20 Is Coming Soon!

What is Transform :20â„¢? Transform :20 is a fast, super-intense fitness program created by Super Trainer Shaun T that will transform your body—and your mind—in just 20 minutes a day over 6 weeks. Be forewarned—it’s hard. But the results will be worth it. Transform :20 is a breakthrough total-body workout without breaks. It’s just you, Shaun T, and a Step. […]

Shift Shop: The Extended Version

Shift Shop is one of those programs that sadly didn’t get the exposure it deserved. It was released just before the big conversion from DVDs to Beachbody On Demand. This month, it’s getting a second chance! What is the Shift Shop? A breakthrough rapid-conditioning program that can help you get LEANER, FASTER, STRONGER—and lose up to 10 pounds—in minimal time. […]

Pumpkin Spice Vegan Shakeology is Coming!!

Fellow pumpkin lovers! Our time is now! Pumpkin Spice Vegan Shakeology is coming to the US on September 17th and to Canada on October 11th. Each box contains 14 single-serve packets, and there is a limit of 5 boxes per order, 20 boxes per account. SUPPLIES WILL BE LIMITED! Once they’re gone, they’re gone. If you’re like me and you […]

Beachbody Summer Blowout Sale!

This is my FIRST Beachbody Summer Blowout Sale, and I’m pretty stoked!  Everyone makes such a big deal out of “making summer bodies,” but what do we actually do in the summer? We eat! We drink! We party with friends, indulge in delicious, sugary treats, and end up feeling like we were back in college after a weekend-long binge…only this binge […]

LIIFT4 Meal Plan: Week 5

The LIIFT4 meal plan for week 5 is a little different than the previous meal plans. I didn’t include the flavor of shake I’d be drinking or my snack choice. I was feeling a little too hindered by doing that, so I planned out the main meals, and leaving the rest up to my whims each day. That may not work for […]

Three Cheese Zucchini Bake

This Three Cheese Zucchini Bake recipe was created out of laziness.  Every Sunday, I go shopping for the week, and every Sunday, I buy zucchini and eggplant with the plan of making zoodles and eggplant chips. As of the writing of this post, I’ve made zoodles zero times and eggplant chips exactly once. We’ve been trying to incorporate more meatless […]