80 Day Obsession Recipes
Are you ready to get obsessed?? The official start of 80 Day Obsession was twenty minutes ago, and I already miss Hot Tamales.
Since the meal plan for this program is so particular, coaches and customers alike have been scrambling to follow it. We tend to over-think things, and when you add in the excitement of starting a new workout program and the prospect of making huge improvements to your health, an otherwise minorly stressful thing like meal planning becomes the recipe for a coronary.
I’m lucky enough to be on a team that over-prepares. We’ve been given so many different options and solutions to help us succeed that I want to return the favor. Here is the meal plan I created for the first week. I’m on plan B and I stay at home with kids, so I can get away with eating the same thing for breakfast and lunch for the entire week. You may not be able to do so, but at least my template will get you started.
The recipes for 80 Day Obsession are located in the following locations:
Turkey Burger and Sweet Potato Bites
NEW: Slow Cooker Chicken Tacos
If you need some inspiration on what to add to your shakes, check out the Chocolate Oatmeal Cookie Shake. The recipe would work well with Vanilla and Cafe Latte Shakeology as well.
As the weeks go by and we get deeper into 80 Day Obsession, I’ll update this post with more meal plans and more recipes. If there’s a particular meal you’re struggling with, let me know in the comments.
If you’re not yet participating in 80 Day Obsession and you want to, send me an email and we’ll get you started.