
Weekly Meal Plans and Morning Meltdown 100 Results

You may be wondering where in the world all of the weekly meal plans have gone. Wonder no more!! I’ve decided to compile my new weekly meal plans in one place so that they’ll be automatically emailed to folks each week. This way, you don’t have to remember to visit my webpage to get them. Just check your email, and […]

5 Tips for Working Out with a Baby

Your alarm is set for 4:30 AM. Workout clothes have been laid out. Pre-workout is in the kitchen, ready to be mixed. No more excuses. Morning workouts start TODAY! Then it happens…softly at first…leading into full-blown wails. How do babies know when we’re trying to do something good for ourselves? Do they come equipped with a remote sensor? Mom wants to […]

Are you Ready for 6 Weeks of THE WORK?

6 Weeks of THE WORK is an extremely intense, training program created by one of the world’s top professional trainers and new Beachbody Super Trainer Amoila Cesar. This advanced-level training program is modeled after the training regimens Amoila creates for pro athletes and his celebrity clients. Over six intense weeks, he’ll take you through 36 unforgiving workouts to help you gain […]

Cramps, Carbs, and Calories

Carbs are life. They’re also really really REALLY tempting to binge on when you’re menstruating. Why is that?? (Uncomfortable topic? Perhaps. But it’s one we need to talk about.) Women are likely to consume up to 500 calories a day MORE during their periods, and it usually isn’t vegetables and protein being shoveled in our mouths. Chocolate, cake, donuts, cupcakes, […]

Delectable, Healthy Recipes for the 4th of July!

Independence Day. The 4th of July. The day Bill Pullman outshone every president in American history. Whatever you call it, it is HERE! Holidays are always a touchy time for people trying to clean up their diet because so many people post reminders about staying on track or how to avoid the food table at parties. Not this lady! I […]

Morning Meltdown 100: Coming Soon!

Morning Meltdown 100 is coming soon!! Remember back in the day when you were stuck buying a DVD that you had to play over and over and over to get in a workout at home? I LOVE that technology has evolved and Beachbody is constantly creating new programs to keep us from getting bored or plateauing. Even better is the […]

Why You’re (Probably) Not Losing Weight

We’ve all been there. You’re eating “clean.” You’ve thrown away all the delicious junk food in the cabinet. The fridge is stocked with nothing but organic fruits and vegetables and lean protein. Only the finest of carbs have survived The Purge. You’re even – GASP – working out… …AND THE NUMBER ON THE SCALE HAS GONE UP NOT DOWN! Is […]

Quick and Easy Way to Control Your Portions!

So many of you have asked how you can start eating healthier portion sizes that I had to post a video that includes a quick and easy way to control your portions! If you want to really dig into your nutrition and learn how to make eating FUN again, check out this post on the Ultimate Portion Fix or email […]

Break Up with Processed Foods!

Are you ready to break up with processed foods for good??   Today you can learn to do that with your Ultimate Portion Fix Kit!  As a Coach, I had early access to the program, so I have been watching all of the videos,  I have been writing out all of the tips I want to share with you, working […]

Ultimate Portion Fix and Ditching Fad Diets

Don’t mind the teenage-girl-like screams streaming across the interwebs. It’s just me fan-girling over the Ultimate Portion Fix that releases in March 2019. It’s a wonderful time to be a nutrition nerd, and it’s an EQUALLY wonderful time to be someone who needs help with their nutrition. Why?? Because this system is going to CHANGE YOUR LIFE! And I’ll tell […]